Converting the XLTUS.MSG File into an Oracle Binary Message File

You can add custom messages into the TRANSLAT.INI file, as in previous releases (version 12.1 and prior releases). The system searches for messages in the Oracle message file first and if not found, the system searches for messages in the TRANSLAT.INI file. If, however, you want to add custom messages to the Oracle message (MSG) file, you will need to compile the Oracle message file into a binary file.

Use the LMSGEN utility to compile the MSG file into a MSB (binary) file.

The MMP (message map) file contains the token references from each message. Oracle messages use positional references like %1 and %2 to indicate where parameters are to be inserted, whereas the TRANSLAT.INI messages use token names. Therefore, you must use the MMP file to specify which token parameter to issue in the numerical order for substitution. Copy the MMP file must into the \Lang directory, just as you would the final MSB file.

MSB files are platform dependent and should be compiled on the platform where they are to be used. The maximum message number in an Oracle message (.MSG) file is 65535.

Use this command to convert the message file into a binary file:

lmsgen xltus.msg Documaker xlt us -i .\ -o .\

This command converts the XLTUS.MSG message file into a binary file named XLTUS.MSB. The TRANSLAT.MMP and XLTUS.MSB files are now ready to copied to the LANG directory used by Documaker.

Here is the syntax for the LMSGEN utility:

lmsgen xltus.msg Documaker xlt us -i .\ -o .\




Indicates the name of the message text file.


Indicates the name of the product.


Indicates the name of the facility.


Is the optional message language that corresponds to the language specified in the NLS_LANG parameter. The language parameter is required if the message file is not tagged properly with language.

-i .\

Is the optional directory to specify the location of the text message (MSG) file.

-o .\

Is the optional directory to specify the location of the output binary message (MSB) file.

Here is a possible LMSGEN error message you may see:

Messages NOT sorted!; see line 148

This error message means that multiple messages have the same message number. If you open the XLTUS.MSG file and go to the line number specified in the error message, you will see a message number that is used by multiple messages. Message numbers must be unique.

For more information on the LMSGEN utility, go to this web site: